Saturday, March 12, 2011

It is ok in the face

Saturday saw the close of the week long celebration of Carnevale in Milano.  For anybody that is unaware, Carnevale is an opportunity for children to dress up in costume, (and adults also), and open permission is granted to litter the streets and throw confetti and streamers at random fellow community members.  You are not allowed to frown upon paper thrown directly in your face, nor are you to presume that this is actually some sort of assault. Also screaming "It burns, it burns!" while covering your face, will not deter others from continuing to throw objects at you.  Just smile. 

The commune of Milano organised a forcast of rain for the next week, so the community need not worry about the copious amounts of confetti littering the streets as I am sure it will all decompose quickly enough in the mud piles.  Similar to finding sand in bizarre places after a beach holiday, I think I will be cleaning up pieces of random confetti in the weeks to come.

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